Under the “FITANTANANA MAHARITRA LOVAINJAFY” project which aims to conserve natural resources for sustainable development, Madagasikara Voakajy is launching its activities in four communes in the District of Ambatondrazaka which are Ambohidava, Ambatosoratra, Amparihitsokatra and Imerimandroso.
It consists of conserving and protecting the environment and natural resources for communities development. During this month, our team presented the project to the locals authorities and communities. Training and piloting of local investigators by Fokontany were carried out. Surveys on the use and management of household natural resources have been realized with the communities and the Tangalamena.
The purpose of the project is to identify and promote effective and sustainable management models of protected areas in Madagascar by local communities, in order to ensure the protection of biodiversity, improve the life conditions of humanity and mitigate the impacts of global climate change. Two protected areas promoted by Madagasikara Voakajy in the Ambatondrazaka District are among the project implementation sites: Analalava and Analabe-Betanantanana.
This project is led by Royal Botanical Gardens – Kew and funded by the UK Government