Youth, pillars of change, Madagasikara Voakajy recognizes the existence of these pillars to achieve its vision: " Madagascar’s endemic species are conserved and sustainably managed within their natural habitats and ecosystems for human’s well-being." Based on this, we launched the "Tanora Mihary, Mikajy, Manorina" project since 2016.
"Manorina" means to build, as we give the hand to these young people to build their future. The foundations include project management trainings for the youth. They are not only builders but also ambassadors for lemur conservation. These skills are transferred so that they can build mini-projects in their villages. In this 3-year project, they have built 3.5 kilometers of roads, a kitchen, 12 toilets, 2 showers, a chalet, 6 bridges, 7 garbage bins and 15 rubbish pits. In these major works, there were also repairs such as 11 kilometers of roads, 3 community halls, 4 classrooms and 3 bridges. The project "Tanora Mihary, Mikajy, Manorina" covers 21 villages in 4 communes of the District of Moramanga. You can admire these works in the commune of Ambohibary, Andasibe, Mangarivotra and even in Lakato. The "mpanorina", builders, are still thinking of other development projects to improve their localities.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our donors, IUCN SOS Lemurs and DARWIN Initiative
; thank you for being at our side. Thanks in advance to those who want to help us. As the saying goes: "small streams make big rivers".