Restoration is one of Madagasikara Voakajy's pillars of action. At the heart of its conservation efforts lies a nursery located in its intervention zone, the district of Moramanga. This restoration project was initiated in 2019 with funding from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The goal is to produce seedlings to restore degraded forest areas.
Initially, there was only one nursery; currently, there are five. Each nursery produces 15,000 seedlings annually, including indigenous tree species and fruit trees. These seedlings are then distributed to local communities to be planted in degraded forest areas. This collaboration includes Madagasikara Voakajy's other pillar, community engagement. The association actively engages with local communities to promote reforestation and sustainable land management practices. The five nurseries are located in villages in the Moramanga district, including Avolo, Ambodirotra, Andranomandry, Mangabe, and Ampahitra. They are managed with ten Vondron’Olono Ifotony (VOI) from these villages. The degradation of the Mangabe protected area is a challenge faced by the Madagasikara Voakajy team in this project. Additionally, damage to restoration sites by immigrants makes reforestation efforts difficult. To ensure the long-term success of reforestation efforts, Madagasikara Voakajy works with VOI, local communities, and political leaders.
In 2023, 24,000 seedlings were replanted over an area of 13 hectares, with a survival rate of 72% after monitoring by the Madagasikara Voakajy team. These nurseries are not just places for seedling production but also symbols of the association's commitment to restoring Madagascar's degraded ecosystems and preserving its biodiversity. Madagasikara Voakajy collaborates with WWF, Chester Zoo, AQUAFIRMA, DREDD Alaotra Mangoro, CIREF Moramanga, VOI, local communities, and authorities in implementing this restoration project.