Since 2019, we have started forest restoration initiatives in degraded areas of the Mangabe Protected Area (AP) (Moramanga District, Alaotra Mangoro Region) in order to maintain the integrity of the ecosystem. In 2022, five village nurseries were installed and 10 nurserymen were recruited and trained in nursery management and maintenance.
These nurserymen ensure the production of seedlings (forest and exotic) for the restoration of the Mangabe AP and also encourage local people to plant useful trees of their choice on their own land.
In February-March 2023, in collaboration with all stakeholders, we have restored an area of 7.66ha with 14070 forest species planted. Also, as the lemur species Varecia variegata was discovered in the south of Mangabe AP in August 2021, our teams with local communities and authorities have identified priority restoration sites for this species. Regular monitoring will be carried out to ensure the success of restoration activities.
From 2023, we will also begin passive restorations that we have not effectively monitored to date within Mangabe AP. We will use mapping and community consultation to locate recently degraded areas that are likely to recover naturally if no further degradation occurs.
We would like to thank our funders who have supported us on restoration activities including WWF EFN, Chester Zoo
and Aquafirma