From October 11 to 14, 2024, Madagasikara Voakajy, in partnership with the USAID Mikajy project, provided new equipment to VOI (local community-based organizations) for the transformation of local products in the Menabe region.

These VOI, based in the villages of Betankilotra, Andohavina, and Bepeha, work to valorize natural resources while supporting the local economy. This event marks a key milestone in the strengthening of local initiatives in sustainable management and community empowerment.

The three VOI received equipment designed to optimize the transformation of three key resources in the region:

  • Baobab, whose fruits are transformed into powder, a highly nutritious product.
  • Marula, a tree producing oil-rich fruits, now used for marula oil production, prized for its cosmetic properties.
  • Tamarind, transformed into jam, adding value to this local fruit already traditionally used by the communities.

Among the equipment provided, the VOI received generators and grinders, essential tools to increase productivity and improve the quality of the transformed products. These materials were distributed equally among the three associations to ensure harmonious development of the local initiatives.

An initiative to promote sustainable valorization of natural resources

The primary goal of this equipment donation is to encourage the sustainable valorization of the natural resources of the Menabe region. By investing in the transformation of local products, Madagasikara Voakajy and its partners aim to increase productivity and create economic opportunities for the communities. The transformation of baobab, marula, and tamarind allows for diversification of income sources while reducing pressure on local natural resources.

These activities are part of a broader approach to conservation and sustainable management of natural resources, enabling communities to responsibly benefit from the products derived from their environment.

A partnership with USAID Mikajy

This equipment donation would not have been possible without the support and strategic collaboration of the USAID Mikajy project, which works to preserve biodiversity and strengthen the livelihoods of local populations across Madagascar. The partnership between Madagasikara Voakajy and USAID Mikajy not only provides the necessary equipment but also trains communities in the use of these tools to ensure optimal and sustainable utilization of natural resources.