Currently, 13 Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) groups have been established at our site in Ambatondrazaka as part of the Fitantanana Maharitra Ho Lovain-jafy (FMH) project finaced by Biodiverse Landscap Fund.

Since March 2023, Madagasikara Voakajy has encouraged the local community in this area to create VSLA groups to help them save money and manage it better.

Madagasikara Voakajy provides materials to the groups and monitors their adherence to the internal regulations established by the members of each group as well as their progress.

A VSLA cycle lasts nine months. At the end of the ninth month, the members share their capital and the accrued interest. Each group member has the right to borrow according to the amount available in the fund. The monthly interest rate is about 10% of the borrowed amount. Moreover, the loan must not exceed a duration of three months.

This activity allows the local community to save money while also funding their activities through loans. "It is thanks to Madagasikara Voakajy that we learned about the existence of VSLA. Before, I never saved my money; I often spent it unnecessarily. But since I joined the Mamiratra VSLA group, I have been able to save. At the end of our first cycle in December 2023, I obtained funds to start my agricultural activity. During that period, I faced financial difficulties, but my share in our group helped me realize my project," explains Émilienne, a member of the Mamiratra VSLA group in Ankadilovoka, fokontany Antsahalemaka, Amparihitsokatra rural commune, Ambatondrazaka district.

This VSLA activity contributes to the conservation of protected areas in the Ambatondrazaka region by providing the local community with sustainable economic alternatives. By allowing members of these groups to access funds to finance income-generating activities such as agriculture, the VSLAs reduce their dependence on exploiting the natural resources of protected areas. In this way, the pressures on these spaces decrease, promoting biodiversity conservation while improving the living conditions of the inhabitants.