What an awareness campaign can do!
Exercise: Draw a flying fox presenting its ecological roles
All the latest news from Madagasikara Voakajy, the Malagasy biodiversity organisation dedicated to the conservation of endemic vertebrates and their habitats in Madagascar.
Exercise: Draw a flying fox presenting its ecological roles
As a collaboration between Madagasikara Voakajy, King’s College London, Bangor University, University of Antananarivo, The Royal Geographical Society and the P4GES project, our research team set out on the 4th of June for 2.5 weeks of fieldwork in Mangabe. We visited multiple sites in the region to measure water infiltration rates, study vegetation density, and carry out an accuracy assessment to verify our land use change maps. We were specifically looking to find out what effects land use change has on local hydrology and ecology.
A recent field trip to the Mangabe-Ranomena-Sasarotra New Protected Area has returned new information on a Critically endangered lizard – Pronk’s day gecko.
From 24th to 28th March 2014, 54 leaders and members of 12 community-based organisations working with Madagasikara Voakajy in Moramanga and Ambatondrazaka districts got together to foster their engagement for conserving the unique biodiversity in their villages, part of the unique biodiversity of Madagascar.
We are looking forward for the 2014 festival in Mangabe. Each community-organization have now developed their projects with the rewards received during the 2013 festival: