This is the theme of the drawing with slogan and dissertation competition, which was carried out by the students around Lake Tseny, Commune rural of Tsaratanana I, District Port-Bergé, Region Sofia. The aim of this competition is to develop environmental education in the school curriculum around lake Tseny. In addition, we will inspire children's creativity and reinforce the activities of Madagasikara Voakajy with their partners in the conservation of endangered species on this lake.
As part of this competition, an award ceremony for the 17 best students in the competition took place in Tsaratanana I on 23 June 2023. The prizes awarded to the students are educational materials to help them continue their studies, such as : schoolbacks, pens, an English-Malagasy dictionary, a grammatical book in French and notebooks where their works have been inserted. Thus, the 09 schools around Lake Tseny received teaching materials such as: geometric rulers, maps of Madagascar, soccer balls and books. During this event, Madagasikara voakajy exhibited photos and posters that show all the conservation work for endangered species such as Pinstripe damba carried out by this association in Lake Tseny.
A big thanks to all of our funders and partners Darwin Initiative, DREN SOFIA, DREDD SOFIA, DRPEB SOFIA, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, community association (VOI ATF, AKM, ZAMTI, TTN) and the locals communities around lake Tseny.