Madagasikara Voakajy is represented by RATOVO-ANDRIANARISOA Harilefitra, Youth Project Coordinator, at the IUCN 2024 African Conservation Forum which took place in Nairobi, Kenya, on 26, 27, 28 July 2024.

The theme of this first edition is "African solutions for nature and people: creating transformative responses to biodiversity and climate crisis in Africa".

The objectives of this forum are to assess progress in conservation, review IUCN's priority objectives and propose strategic guidance to stakeholders to better address environmental and biodiversity challenges for the next 20 years. The event is co-organized with the IUCN Kenya National Membership Committee in cooperation with the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife Kenya.

Several activities were carried out such as a high-level plenary session on the future we want and the new era of conservation in Africa, a regional session of IUCN members, a visit to Nairobi National Parks and a discussion on IUCN's strategic directions.