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All the latest news from Madagasikara Voakajy, the Malagasy biodiversity organisation dedicated to the conservation of endemic vertebrates and their habitats in Madagascar.

Ho fanamafisana sy fanatsarana ny fahaiza-manaon’ ireo VOI na Vondron’olona Ifotony mahakasika  ny fitantanana ny Faritra Arovana  dia nanatanteraka fiofanana ny ekipany Madagasikara Voakajy Ambatondrazaka amin’alàlany tetikasa Fitantanana Maharitra Holovain-javy, niarahana tamin’ny DREDD Alaotra Mangoro sy ny ekipa FMH.

This is the theme of the drawing with slogan and dissertation competition, which was carried out by the students around Lake Tseny, Commune rural of Tsaratanana I, District Port-Bergé, Region Sofia. The aim of this competition is to develop environmental education in the school curriculum around lake Tseny. In addition, we will inspire children's creativity and reinforce the activities of Madagasikara Voakajy with their partners in the conservation of endangered species on this lake.

Dans le processus de la mise en place d’une Nouvelle Aire Protégée (NAP) « Complexe Bobaomby » situé au Nord de Madagascar, nous procédons, en collaboration direct avec la communauté locale, à la réintroduction des plantes menacées et la restauration de ses habitats, entre autres le baobab Adansonia suarezensis ou Bozivavy.

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